
Ria Lakshman V

Ria leads the content and communications team at Datamate Infosolutions (P) Ltd. She is an astute writer with a track record in writing and publishing content for various industries throughout her career. Ria brings on-board a wealth of experience in writing articles for blogs, media communications, preparation of business documents, product documents, designing and publishing marketing collateral, and managing social media at Datamate. Previously, Ria spent several years in content writing and editing roles in esteemed organizations from sectors including newspapers, magazines, media houses and research institutes. She specializes in generating content for various media and platforms from conception stage to publishing, setting up objectives and managing the complete process. She is a writer at heart and loves to draw and paint during her leisure time.

Checklist to Select the Right Hospital Information System

A Hospital Information System (HIS) is designed to provide the hospital with a connectedclinical, administrative, financial and operational tool to improve efficiency and deliver qualitypatient care. An ineffective system inhibits the hospital’s ability to deliver its services to theirfullest potential, ultimately affecting its bottom line and brand. The benefits and outcomesdepend on the selection of …

Checklist to Select the Right Hospital Information System Read More »

A complete guide to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation

The rapid evolution of businesses has dramatically altered the IT landscape of companies ofall sizes. One addition is the introduction of ERP solutions. They deliver significant power torun the company, facilitating cross-functional communication, real-time data sync andtransparency. Integrating ERP with the company’s infrastructure brings business agility thatultimately translates into efficient operation and higher ROI. Datamate …

A complete guide to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation Read More »

How to select the right Hospital Information System (HIS) for your hospital?

Evolution of healthcare industry has encouraged the investments in healthcare technologies.The market for Hospital Information System (HIS) has grown exponentially as healthcareproviders started to take key interest in ways to improve efficiency in operations, increase ROIsand deliver quality patient care. The success of automation largely depends on choosing theright HIS. This is a key information …

How to select the right Hospital Information System (HIS) for your hospital? Read More »

Technology-enabled care during COVID-19 in India

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact on healthcare sector around the world. Thesector must continue to invent and adopt to manage the increasing clinical responsibilities,patient load, infrastructural requirements, resource needs and knowledge. The demand formedical professionals and key items such as respirators, protective units and ventilators arealready surpassing the available supply. The social …

Technology-enabled care during COVID-19 in India Read More »

Digital transformation for healthcare sector in the light of COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic increased the dependency of people on digital technologies for their day-to-day affairs. People work from home glued to screens, groceries arrive at doorsteps while they order via mobile apps, services become accessible via their smartphones. This means that people would expect their health experiences to be equally effective and easy to use in …

Digital transformation for healthcare sector in the light of COVID-19 pandemic Read More »

Is your current information system equipped to ease the clinicians’ workload?

The responsibility of a clinician goes beyond care delivery. The healthcare spectrum expects a clinician to stay abreast about the latest medical researches, new medical technologies, compliancy with regulatory structures in place, improve the quality of care, reduce readmissions and many more. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) do share the cognitive workload of clinicians to a …

Is your current information system equipped to ease the clinicians’ workload? Read More »

Ways interoperability improves quality of care in healthcare settings

Interoperability in healthcare is the ability of different medical systems and software to access, exchange, integrate data in a coordinated manner across the spectrum of care. Interoperability provides timely and seamless portability of information within the healthcare setting, helping care providers quickly make informed care decisions. Below are a few benefits of interoperability in healthcare …

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The power of automation in patient risk stratification during pandemic

The level of strain among healthcare service providers is snowballing every day. The challenge not only stems from COVID-19 pandemic, but also from the difficulty in parallelly managing the obligations to already existing patients. Every care facility and service modalities are experiencing an unprecedented demand for attention. This is where the healthcare service providers are …

The power of automation in patient risk stratification during pandemic Read More »


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